This is a quick message to let you know about our latest game.
Introducing the mobile puzzle game Krizl by Rekim Ltd. It’s out now on iPhone, iPad, Android and PlayBook. http://www.krizl.co.uk
Krizl is a unique word puzzle where the player has to spin grids of letters to reveal a finished crossword. I would love for you to give it a go!
“Make your way through over 50 cunningly difficult word puzzles in 3 different modes. Beat your friends to finding the solution with the fewest moves.
Krizl is a crossword revolution! It’s crosswords with a twist!
Spin the blocks to take a puzzle from complete gibberish to a fantastic finished crossword!
Drool over the glorious hand drawn theme icons and kalimba tones!
Marvel over how you pronounce its name! ( Kri – Zal )Sorry, my eyes are tearing up with joy just think about all this!!”
Trailer : http://youtu.be/R3O898t-k4g
Press Kit ( Screen shots, icons, feature images, description ) : http://www.krizl.co.uk/krizl-epk.zip

Rekim Ltd is a company started by Mike Robinson, known previously for his games and other work while Head of Technical for Gorillaz.
Thanks for your time.
Kind Regards,
Mike Robinson
Rekim Ltd